Otakus welcome. |
Hello, the name's Gomamon, I'll be running this part of the site for a while! Come on in, it's gonna be fun! AnimeWhat is anime you say?...Man, I feel sorry for you if you haven't atleast seen some anime...Anything will do, even Pokemon or Voltron... When the word is translated, 'anime' would mean 'animation' but it's much more than that, it is more like a art style, characters with big eyes, small noses, big mouths, and the 'big hair' are anime characters. One thing that sets anime characters out from the American cartoons like X-Men is the fact anime characters don't possess a 'perfect anatomy' they have defects like normal humans and resemble them more. The ripped guys don't turn out like Superman, they look like Gokuu, and if you've ever seen the Mr. Universe, Arnold Schwartzinager, or any other body builder you'd notice that they do look that way. One of the other things that is much different about anime from American cartoons is the story, alot of animes revolve around a deep continous story, no the 'fight of the week' thing like X-Men or Batman has going, animes like Neon Genesis Evangelion, or Digimon have stories going on, while X-Men and Batman usually have one story per episode. Another thing that sets anime out are the characters, anime characters learn, grow, make friend with each other, even enemies, and they fight, no not argue, I mean fist brawl (See: Yamato and Taichi [Digimon]). All of these things make anime much better than anything America has conjured up thus far...well, guess I put my flipper in my mouth again...Catch ya' later!
Anime NewsAnd now for SNL news, 'er, wrong news...
Tuesday, April 3, 2001 10:44pm CST Hi guys! I'm Gomamon if you don't remember, and I'm here for a few updates in anime news...for one thing, Cartoon Network pushed the new DBZ episodes back to June 4th...that's all I know for now! See ya'!