
Random Quote: "Smile, it makes people paranoid about what you're fixing to do."
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I probably spend the most of my online time on this site, the message boards are great and the game reviews and FAQs ain't (damn my heritage) bad either.

Nice place for fan fics on hundreds, only problem is several people seem to like writing yaoi or lemons, but if you can find them there are some great fan fics on there.

Sluggy Freelance
A very amusing web comic, funny as hell.

Anime Genesis
Nice site for anime, lots of cool pics and wallpapers, on my faves list.

HTML Goodies
My main source of HTML code for this site, they need some credit...

Planet Namek
Great site for Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT information, classy layout.

It's the Digimon equivalent of Planet Namek, very nice, message board too, not to mention the other cool toys.
Mind games and other things to keep your brain busy, very amusing, especially when you have nothing else to do.

Night Haven
A friend of mines site, under it's temporary URL...since Nightsong managed to violate the Tripod ToS and get shutdown...

I do not own any of these sites, I am just providing a link to them, I'm sure they won't mind seeing as it would just mean more hits for them.